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We offer extensive market knowledge and a flexible and proactive claims service. Our highly developed knowledge of the sector, together with our lead capability, enables us to provide our clients with comprehensive and competitive risk solutions. We have one of the most experienced teams in the market and take pride in our ability to understand and underwrite the most technical and complex of risks.

The Environment

The industry is starting the transition to alternative fuels in response to the challenge of climate change. At the same time, ship and shoreside technological innovation driven by digitisation and automation offer great potential. Seafarer welfare is also at the top of the industry's agenda and needs to be addressed at pace. While geopolitical upheaval is making the operating environment for shipping and supply chain management more complex and costly than for many decades.

The Risk

The rise of remote working and proliferation of technology as a means to conduct business mean that data protection systems and privacy policies need to be reviewed and updated in order to manage risk.

The Need

The Lloyd's market is a global hub for marine insurance and Beazley as a leader in that market is able to deliver the specialist advice, skilled risk management, underwriting and claims expertise that the maritime industry needs as it adapts to the rapidly changing geopolitical landscape, seizes the opportunities that digitisation brings and responds to the challenge of climate change.

Marine Products