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Bethany Greenwood

Group Head of Specialty Risks

London, UK

+1 (617) 239 2608

Headshot of Bethany Greenwood

About me

Bethany joined Beazley in September of 2019 after 23 years in the brokerage industry focusing on client solutions in Management Liability, Errors & Omissions Liability, and Cyber insurance. She spent the 19 years prior to Beazley at Marsh with her last role leading the West Zone for Marsh’s FINPRO division based in San Francisco. Bethany has held many roles since joining Beazley first as the Head of Executive Risk and then moving into the Head of Cyber & Executive Risk (CyEx) role to her current role effective April 2022 as Head of Specialty Risks. She is focused on growing and diversifying our book of Specialty Lines products through innovation and working with our trading partners. Bethany is based in London.