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Jana Ratnajothy

Focus Group Leader - Large Risk A&E

London, UK

+44 (0)20 7674 7395
Purple line-drawing, the outline of profile headshot

About me

Jana Ratnajothy is the FGL - UK AE & Construction, and also writes large lawyers business.   She joined Beazley in 2007 from a boutique city insurance law firm.  She began her career at Beazley as a claims manager handling matters spanning the US, UK and Australian accounts.  In 2010 she moved to the Professions underwriting team and in 2015 she took on responsibility for the London based A&E portfolio. In 2016 she began a construction account and she has now responsible for all AE and Construction PI business written from London,  including OPPI and CPPI, and the small risk AE and Design Build business that Beazley underwrites at Lloyds.