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Press Releases

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Christina Herald April 01, 2023

April is National Child Abuse Prevention month in the US, an observance that was first declared in 1979 by former president Jimmy Carter.

A staggering one in four people experience abuse during childhood in the US [1], with that abuse falling into one of four categories: physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. Around one in seven US children has experienced child abuse or neglect in the past year [2].

Typically, abuse is difficult to detect at a surface level and it can take victims years to report it. One reason for this is because many children may not recognize their abuser's behavior is inappropriate. Children may also not be mentally or physically mature enough to challenge the abuser’s behavior. Child abuse can leave victims with years of trauma, shaping their own behaviors in the years that follow. National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, creating safer communities.

At Beazley, we are committed to creating safer environments through our Safeguard offering, which includes risk management and response services in addition to insurance. Effective risk management and providing appropriate and swift action following a report of abuse are essential to reducing the risk of these issues arising and protecting other potential victims.

Any company or organization working with children should implement the following:

Preventative Tactics

  • Require screening and background checks of employees, independent contractors, and volunteers
  • Train all staff on abuse prevention and response including mandated reporting requirements
  • Limit one-on-one interaction and communication between a child and an adult
  • Fully embrace a culture of safety at all levels of the organization

Responsive Tactics

  • Recognize the signs of abuse
  • Have robust written policies for appropriate and inappropriate behaviors
  • Have reporting procedures for anyone to raise any concerns and a process for how to action
  • Treat victims with care and compassion

While April is a time for organizations to come together and raise awareness of the risks associated with child abuse, children’s safety is a year-round concern, and we all have a role to play. This April, we challenge you to review your organization’s approach and your clients’ commitment to creating a culture of safety for our children. Utilizing the risk prevention tools in your Beazley Safeguard policy is a great start.

[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (

[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (

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