The influence of technological advances, including automation and distributed ledger technology, and artificial intelligence are empowering significant changes within the financial sector, enabling organisations to increase their global reach and penetrate newer markets.
Gerard Bloom
Head of International, Specialty Lines
Industry Risk Overview
The traditional financial institutions and newer entrants alike are investing in developing new technologies to deliver financial services to a wider range of customers and across international boundaries. These tools are now shaping how services are provided, promising greater inclusion and efficiencies, however, excitement about the opportunities needs to be tempered with effective approaches to the evolving risks and necessity for better governance that these bring, which even regulators are struggling to keep up with, particularly in areas such as cryptocurrency.
History tells us that the current very challenging economic situation could bring a wave of financial crime, however, it is the increase in ESG regulation and compliance, coupled with environmental and social activism, that is the issue likely to dominate the financial sector in the decade ahead.